About Gesvol – Monitoring Systems and Tracking for aircrafts

About us

Gesvol is specialized in monitoring systems (technical parameters) and tracking for aircrafts and was created in 2012 with the clear objective to fulfill the growing demand for security and control measures for fleets of all types.

Gesvol, through the experience acquired by Centervol Enginnering and Gestracking Engineering ®, has over twenty years of experience servicing companies in the aeronautical industry.

Gesvol develops a diverse range of geolocation solution, monitoring parameters and management software for both privates and companies. All are 100% web based and offer different features tailored to the specific needs of each Client.

Being an “Official Google Partner” entitles us to use all maps and be one of the first to benefit from the latest Google technologies and developments. Gestracking ® was among the first geolocation companies in Europe to sign a licensing contract for the use of Google Maps.